Category: Update
Mission: Distraction
Things the slightly OCD should not do…. reorganize a website. So I just spent an hour digging through old posts to get the images organized. Now that’s done, maybe I can get to customizing the new format a bit more with a background texture and such. Then! It’ll be on to adding pages that I’ve…
Ruminations on the return…
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I’d like to thank my high school drama advisor for teaching me the importance of professional standards for backstage, while at the same time that knowledge tends to frustrate the hell out of me. I need to be aware that my attempts to help out…
Almost back!
Hard drive exchange was successful, and basic installations have been completed. Now to import all the CDs again, and hope that my tech support Batman can do some file recovery on the other hard drive. Hopefully back to blogging soonsoon!
Progress, mayhaps?
Pole unstickiness resolved. Finally. Yay! Back to the work on that, thanks to DryHands and overall dehumidifying of my surroundings. Hopefully starting work on the new number tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!
Apologies for just letting there be quotes and such, but when I’m quiet, it tends to mean things are going well or there’s not much that I’m ridiculously excited over. I do have a ridiculous excitement building, and I believe it was addressed in a blog entry on my site – yay for the inefficiency…
The Wheels are Turning Again…
So, if you do have the time to swing by here, you’ll see that the blog is being updated a bit more, as I’ve connected this one to my Tumblr, and so being able to queue things up makes blogs a bit more updated. Also, it appears that there will be some movement on the…
I need to quit digging around in my brain..
Because I seem to keep finding people in there. I’ve been exploring the CynTervention empire, and located its librarian, who specializes in pure weird, strange, and general What The Fluff. Is it bad when your alter ego has alter egos?
By George, I think..
she’s done it! There is now a much better chance that there will be many more updates, as I’ve figured out how to link the website blog to my Tumblr blog! You may have noticed that the recent archives have expanded, to include the multiple posts I’ve made to Tumblr recently, and so…. we’ll keep…