So, while I like doing the WiRs, unfortunately, they can be a bit repetitive, which is not good for you, and not particularly interesting to write. Nonetheless, highlights from this week involve a bit more on the sewing front, and the installation of the dance floor in my second home.
Sewing projects include a few more costuming ideas kicking around, and a successful test drive of a pattern I’ve had on hand for a while, in terms of turning it into more of practice wear than a costume. Add on to that additional joy from the serger, allowing me to knock out two pairs of those pants this afternoon. (granted, there’s still elastic to install in one pair, but overall, the second pair is 90% finished.)
I’m hoping that I’ll be able to get photos of the recent bits, and am working on the ideas for some workshops for sewing things at the studio, but may limit that to particular items, and possibly offering some one-on-one tutorial at the house. We shall see.
Overall, however, things are fantastic, and the creativity continues to flow. The Twitter account’s finally made it to being active, and there’s a link in the main menu for that, should you be so inclined to follow.
And at this point, it’s time for a Cyn to go to bed so that she won’t be a total waste tomorrow – tribal belly dance tomorrow afternoon! Love!
Don’t forget to always Leave Them Wanting More – #ltwm, for those of you on Twitterdom.