Hiya! Welcome to the new incarnation of the website – Cyntervention.com, a place I’m devoting to my current projects and creative outlets. Things have changed a lot in my world since the last website, which had fallen into oblivion, resulting from major shifts in my world, including a divorce, and as the previous name has since become something that’s being used by someone without an original idea, I’ve worked on reinventing myself and developing an identity that is truly my own.
The journey’s had a longer duration than I would’ve like to have had, but it’s been quite a growth experience. I’ve found my own confidence, with much of that relying on removing the soul-sucking and overall toxic elements from my life, and more fully-developed the “don’t give a damn” towards others’ perceptions and opinions about what I was doing, planned to do, or even just wanted to do. While it’s still in process, as I am still a work in process, I know that the timeframes aren’t something I can set, and so while I’m pleased with the progress, I know I still have quite a way to go, and I’d like to invite you along for the traveling carnival ride.
Many thanks do have to go out to friends, muses, and mentors, and since this is starting to sound like a foreword, which I guess makes perfect sense as a website home page, I offer my thanks those those people here.
Anna Rogers – thank you, thank you, thank you. You can’t even imagine how much of a help you’ve been in the process and how much of a muse you’ve also served as. Your freedom and comfort with yourself, and your trek to create your own place with Sizemology has been such an inspiration. Thank you for the opportunities that Sizemology has helped create for me – I know I couldn’t have done the essential rebirth without you and Nipsy.
Shannon DeJarnette – My partner in crime and the sister I wasn’t granted by nature. I love you and the family you’ve brought me who’ve taken me into the fold as one of their own. Thank you so much for helping me through the seriously tough times and letting me help you with yours when I could.
Jess TenEyck – I can’t tell you just how much I appreciate your support through the first days and your ability to find the humor in the situation that I was missing. I’ve missed you greatly since you’ve moved to be closer to your family, but I hope everything continues to go well for you. Send Nikki my love, and know that you’re always welcome to come see us.
Dad – Thank you for your support always, all the lessons I’ve learned from you, and how to deal with people who aren’t actually worth my time. The heart has many secrets, and thank you for shining the light on the situation when I needed it most. Your wisdom and teaching guide me every day. Thank you so much.
Kevin Bird – Thank you for accepting me as I am, and not expecting me to be anyone else but myself. Thank you for your patience as I’ve continued to develop and grow into that identity, and your unfailing support no matter how ridiculous my idea seemed at the time. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your refined sense of the ridiculous and your refusal to let the known serve as the boundaries of your imagination. Your love has meant the world to me, and I hope I’m able to show you how much you mean to me over the next several decades.
To everyone else I’ve met along the way – Thanks for the lessons, the memories, your presences, and in some cases, your departure. Each of you has played a role in my development, and without any single one of the “unnamed,” I wouldn’t be who I am today.
If you’ve made it this far, congratulations for surviving the mushy part. What I’m hoping to do with this domain is to document and preserve my various projects and creative outlets, and fingers crossed, actually keep a blog here. There are some big dreams in the works – to see if I can continue to develop my identity into a performer, and also to provide what I can to the dance/burlesque and general comic nerd communities with my costuming – whether it’s through sewing them, or just working around the obstacles.
Let the show begin!